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Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life - Anthony M. Coniaris Review & Synopsis

Introducing the Orthodox Church: Its Faith and Life - Anthony M. Coniaris



Here is a genuinely different and practical book for the inquirer and potential convert to Orthodox Christianity. It is different in a number of ways, all of which commend this volume to wide use by pastors whose task it is to introduce the members of their inquirers classes to an Orthodox way of life which will touch their lives in a full and complete way (Fr. Stanley Harakas). Chapters include: What We Believe About the One Apostolic Church, the Nicene Creed, Jesus, the Holy Trinity, the Divine Liturgy, Salvation, the Church Fathers, the Church Year, Symbols, the Sacraments, the Saints and the Theotokos, Life After Death, the Bible, Icons, Prayers for the Dead, and Prayer. Recently translated in Korean and Romanian.


Orthodox Christianity

The Orthodox Church is one of the three major branches of Christianity. There are over 300 million adherents throughout the world. The Orthodox Church is a fellowship of independent churches, which split form the Roman Church over the question of papal supremacy in 1054. The Orthodox adherents include people in: Greece, Georgia, Russia, and Serbia. There are an estimated one million members in the United States. This Advanced book explains the basic principles of Orthodox Christianity and describes in detail the holidays observed by the Orthodox Church. In addition, relevant book literature is presented in bibliographic form with easy access provided by title, subject and author indexes.

B72- 04186 Bloom , Anthony , 1914- The essence of prayer / Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh . Published / Created : London : Darton , Longman and Todd , 1986. Description : xxii , 452 p .; 22 cm . ISBN : 0232516987 ( pbk . ) ..."

Study Guide for Introducing the Orthodox Church

A study guide specifically tailored to enable the student to absorb thoughtfully the contents of the much used primer on Orthodox faith and life now in its 16th printing, Introducing the Orthodox Church. Designed for easy use by clergy or lay catechists, it is a very useful tool, enhancing greatly the effective use of this popular introduction to Orthodoxy, so widely used in English-speaking countries

A study guide specifically tailored to enable the student to absorb thoughtfully the contents of the much used primer on Orthodox faith and life now in its 16th printing, Introducing the Orthodox Church."

Jesus: Fallen?

Was Jesus Christ a fallen human being, like us? Was His human nature corrupt and sinful, inherently and necessarily subject to suffering and death? Did He inherit a fallen humanity? If His humanity was fallen how was He sinless? Did He have human ignorance? In what way was His human will involved in the plan of salvation? What effect did the hypostatic union have on His humanity? In Jesus: Fallen?, Emmanuel Hatzidakis, a Greek Orthodox priest, addresses these and other controversial questions pertaining to the human nature of Christ, which are debated in many Christian denominations, and in his own Church. The theology advanced in the book is the traditional theology of the historic Church. In all the modern confusio of multiple Christs, here we have the perennial image of the incarnate God, the Theanthropos Christ. The book should appeal to every serious Christian and student of theology, history of dogma and Church History who is comfortable neither with liberalism nor fundamentalism, but who is searching for the authentically true teachings of Christianity. Hatzidakis draws richly from the patristic inheritance of East and West in an original, refreshing, and accessible way. He refutes opinions formed by many eminent postlapsarian theologians. This pivotal study is the first to address this topic from an Eastern Orthodox perspective and in this regard it constitutes an important contribution to Christology. A well-researched study it sheds light from an Eastern Orthodox perspective on this intriguing and crucial topic. It maintains that the subject of Christ’s humanity and its understanding is neither a theologoumenon nor an abstract intellectual cogitation, but a matter of profound soteriological and anthropological import.

259, and Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Light and Life Publishing Co., 1982), p. 100. 52 Opuscula 6 (PG 91:68C-D), Cosmic Mystery, p. 176, and see note 4."

Theology for the Community of God

This proven systematic theology represents the very best in evangelical theology. Stanley Grenz presents the traditional themes of Christian doctrine -- God, humankind, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the church, and the last things--all within an emphasis on God's central program for creation, namely, the establishment of community. Masterfully blending biblical, historical, and contemporary concerns, Grenz's respected work provides a coherent vision of the faith that is both intellectually satisfying and expressible in Christian living. Available for the first time in paperback.

Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion 4.14.4, in Library of Christian Classics, volume 21, 1279. 12. ... See, for example, Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life (Minneapolis: Light and Life ..."

Such a Great Salvation

Many Christians are like the blind men trying to describe an elephant, each thinking it was all like the part he happened to be touching. They have a grasp of parts of the Christian faith, but they don't see how it all fits together. If you have ever wondered about how the parts fit together, Such a Great Salvation: An Overview of the Christian Faith is just right for you. From the Garden of Eden to the New Jerusalem, Such a Great Salvation is a handbook that unfolds God's great plan for humanity. Offering a broad panoramic overview of the Christian faith, author Henry Summerall begins with the dawn of the universe, traces the fall of mankind, and the subsequent redemption and glorification of God's people. Broad in scope yet practical in application, written from an evangelical but non-denominational perspective, Such a Great Salvation draws Christians and non-Christians alike to explore more fully for themselves the great adventure of the Christian faith. With his unusual combination of careers as a full-time lawyer and a part-time ordained minister in a congregation for over twenty years, Henry Summerall, Jr. offers a unique perspective on the Christian faith. Having been at various periods in his life a Baptist, an Episcopalian, a Traditional Anglican, and a Lutheran, Henry Summerall, Jr. brings a diverse yet sound interpretation of the Scriptures.

Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life (Minneapolis: Light and Life Pub. C0.1982). Larry Crabb, The Silence of Adam (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995). Anthony DeStefano, A Travel Guide to Heaven (New ..."

Mary at the Foot of the Cross, VI

Catholics always believe that there is a close association between the mystery of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the mystery of Mary. This “sense of faith” is given theological and doctrinal exposition in this exciting new volume of Mary at the Foot of the Cross - VI: Marian Coredemption in the Eucharistic Mystery. Originally presented as Acts of the Marian symposium in England in the year of the Eucharist 2005, this precious collection of articles presents profound insights on the relationship between Marian Coredemption and Eucharistic mystery. Articles such as the late John Paul II’s teachings on Mary’s Presence in the Mass, Mary and the Eucharist in John of the Cross, St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, St. Veronica Giuliani, are only some of the most inspiring thought on the subject matter compiled in one decent volume. Ideal for scholarly research written by theologians and scholars, this volume is also accessible to non-professional readers as well. A must reading on the central truth of our Catholic faith: Mary and the Holy Eucharist.

Placed between God and the human race, it is from her that stem all the supernatural goods won for mankind by ... as those encountered in Fr. anthony M . Coniaris ' recent “ Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life ” (1982‐ 15th ..."

The Legitimation Crisis of the Orthodox Church in the United States

Located at the intersection of the sociology of immigration and sociology of religion, this book discusses the history and identity of Eastern European Orthodox immigrants to the United States, their assimilation into American society, and the contradictory role of the Orthodox Church through the lens of the legitimation crisis.

The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic Word: An Ecumenical Conversation. Broolkine. WCC Publications Geneva. Coniaris , Anthony M . 1982. Introducing the Orthodox Church . Its Faith and Life . Minneapolis: Light and Life. Connor, Phillip."

In The Realm of the Senses

The five physical senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching have been held to underpin the complexity of human experience ever since Aristotle first theorised about how they worked. Classical and scholastic philosophy up to the time of the European Enlightenment relegated their operations to its margins, viewing them as at best a distraction from higher thinking, and at worst a positive deception. Paradoxically, what one could not objectively know, the products of the mind, were accorded precedence over the concrete. From the Romantic era onwards, the senses moved to the centre of speculative thought, and the various dialectical currents of philosophy after Hegel made them interdependent with the intellectual function, which was held to derive most or all of its authority from them. This tendency has continued down to the sensualist, hedonist and anti-intellectual currents of our own day. In this theoretical consideration of what has been done to the senses in modern experience, Stuart Walton subjects the life of the senses to a further materialist turn, one that refuses a spiritualisation of the material realm, to which contemporary discourses of the body have often fallen prey, while at the same time preserving sensuality from being delivered once again to a sterile idealism.

Anthony M Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life , Minneapolis, 1982, p 174. Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, trans Walter Kaufmann, New York, 1966, §146, p 89. Walter Benjamin, 'On Some Motifs in ..."

The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America

Early Americans have long been considered "A People of the Book" Because the nickname was coined primarily to invoke close associations between Americans and the Bible, it is easy to overlook the central fact that it was a book-not a geographic location, a monarch, or even a shared language-that has served as a cornerstone in countless investigations into the formation and fragmentation of early American culture. Few books can lay claim to such powers of civilization-altering influence. Among those which can are sacred books, and for Americans principal among such books stands the Bible. This Handbook is designed to address a noticeable void in resources focused on analyzing the Bible in America in various historical moments and in relationship to specific institutions and cultural expressions. It takes seriously the fact that the Bible is both a physical object that has exercised considerable totemic power, as well as a text with a powerful intellectual design that has inspired everything from national religious and educational practices to a wide spectrum of artistic endeavors to our nation's politics and foreign policy. This Handbook brings together a number of established scholars, as well as younger scholars on the rise, to provide a scholarly overview--rich with bibliographic resources--to those interested in the Bible's role in American cultural formation.

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992). 8. Terence H. Brown, “God—Was Manifest in the Flesh ... I Timothy 3:16,” in True or False: The Westcott-Hort Textual Theory Examined, ed. David Otis Fuller (Grand Rapids, Mich."

Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-First Century

This book provides an up-to-date, comprehensive overview of Eastern Christian churches in Europe, the Middle East, America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Written by leading international scholars in the field, it examines both Orthodox and Oriental churches from the end of the Cold War up to the present day. The book offers a unique insight into the myriad church-state relations in Eastern Christianity and tackles contemporary concerns, opportunities and challenges, such as religious revival after the fall of communism; churches and democracy; relations between Orthodox, Catholic and Greek Catholic churches; religious education and monastic life; the size and structure of congregations; and the impact of migration, secularisation and globalisation on Eastern Christianity in the twenty-first century.

Coniaris , Anthony M ., Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life , Minneapolis, MN: Light and Life Publishing, 1982. Constantelos, Demetrios J., The Greek Orthodox Church: Faith, History, Practice, Foreword by Archbishop Iakovos ..."

The Fourfold Gospel, Volume 1

In the spirit of Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295–1378) and Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556), The Fourfold Gospel invites the reader into the mystery of God’s redemption in Jesus Christ. All the parallel passages in the Gospels are glossed together, along with the unique material, using a medieval interpretive approach called the Quadriga or the acronym PaRDeS in Hebrew. Meditating on the literal, canonical, moral, and theological senses of Scripture offers a scaffolding for the spiritual formation of the reader. This volume, in addition to a thorough introduction to the method and the Gospels, focuses on the beginning of the story—the birth, baptism, and temptations of Christ.

A Formational Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: From the Beginning to the Baptist John DelHousaye ... Newberg , Andrew , and Mark Robert Waldman . How God Changes Your Brain : Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist ."

The Mystery, the Way, and the Journey

We live in a time of certainty and extremes where questions must be answered and spiritual salvation is centered on a single moment. By drawing on the writings of St. Maximos the Confessor (580-662 CE), this book seeks to introduce the reader to a new, albeit old, way of following Jesus of Nazareth into the darkness of the unknown by embracing the mystery of uncertainty as a way of life in which each person's journey is different. Interwoven together, the concepts of the Mystery, the Way, and the Journey provide a way forward through the uncertainty of the future by following the path set forth by the ancient church while understanding that we are part of something bigger and older than modern American Christianity.

Jesus Brand Spirituality: He Wants His Religion Back. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2008. Wright , N. T. Simply Jesus : A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did , and Why He Matters . New York: HaperOne, 2011. Zahnd, Brian."

Knowing and Living Your Orthodox Christian Faith

From the time you were in your childhood, did you begin to wonder what the meaning is of your Orthodox Christian beliefs? Especially, what the significance is of the prayers, hymns, the Epistle and Gospel readings, and communion during the Divine Liturgy? As you get older you may read books about the Orthodox Christian Church, attend religious education workshops and seminars, and look at video tapes; and start to compile the answers to the questions you had. This book helps you to better understand the doctrines, beliefs, the Holy Traditions, the faith, sacraments, and worship of the church. Also in this book, you comprehend a very important aspect as to how the Christian religion got started, and the connection of the Orthodox Christian Church to our Lord Jesus Christ, His apostles, the early church fathers, and the Seven Ecumenical Councils. This puts you on a path where you regularly attend, participate in, and better understand the Divine Liturgy. You learn that the Divine Liturgy in the Orthodox Christian Church has remained the same for more than 1500 years. You begin to understand that the Orthodox Christian Church is the true path to Jesus. When you begin to read the Holy Bible daily, you learn about the ministry of Christ and how to better live our lives. We should regularly say our daily morning prayers and nightly prayers, and our special prayers when needed. The fruit of prayer is inner peace, healing power, the Holy Spirit, union with God, and love. If we still have doubts in our minds about the existence of a mighty power, our God, then all we have to do is to look all around us. Everything is arranged in an orderly manner, and there is a grand purpose in every aspect of the human, animal, and plant kigndoms - and the planet earth within an infinite universe. The evidence that is presented in this book truly confirms that God is with us and all around us.

Reverend Constantine Callinikos, B.D. Introducing The Orthodox Church , 3. ... Compiled by Anthony M . Coniaris The Orthodox Study Bible – Discovering Orthodox Christianity in 15. the Pages ofThe New Testament and The Psalms – New ..."


The doctrine of theosis has enjoyed a recent resurgence among varied theological traditions across the realms of historical, dogmatic, and exegetical theology. In Christification: A Lutheran Approach to Theosis, Jordan Cooper evaluates this teaching from a Lutheran perspective. He examines the teachings of the church fathers, the New Testament, and the Lutheran Confessional tradition in conversation with recent scholarship on theosis. Cooper proposes that the participationist soteriology of the early fathers expressed in terms of theosis is compatible with Luther's doctrine of forensic justification. The historic Lutheran tradition, Scripture, and the patristic sources do not limit soteriological discussions to legal terminology, but instead offer a multifaceted doctrine of salvation that encapsulates both participatory and forensic motifs. This is compared and contrasted with the development of the doctrine of deification in the Eastern tradition arising from the thought of Pseudo-Dionysius. Cooper argues that the doctrine of the earliest fathers--such as Irenaeus, Athanasius, and Justin--is primarily a Christological and economic reality defined as "Christification." This model of theosis is placed in contradistinction to later Neoplatonic forms of deification.

Coniaris , Anthony M . Achieving Your Potential in Christ, Theosis: Plain Talks on a Major Doctrine of Orthodoxy. Rev. ed. Minneapolis: Light & Life, 2004. ———. Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life ."

Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly

We must realize , however , that the Orthodox never limited the Sacraments to seven . ... The Eucharistic Prayer in the 31 Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life ( Min- neapolis : Light and Life ..."

Studies in Eastern Christianity

Its Faith , History , and Practice ( New York : The Seabury Press , 1982 ) , 61-78 ; Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church . Its Faith and Life ( Minneapolis , Minn : Light and Life Publishing Co. , 1982 ) , 123-147 ..."

The Orthodox Church

This important work offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date account of the Orthodox Church available, providing a detailed account of its historical development, as well as exploring Orthodox theology and culture Written by one of the leading Orthodox historians and theologians in the English-speaking world Offers an in-depth engagement with the issues surrounding Orthodoxy's relationship to the modern world, including political, cultural and ethical debates Considers the belief tradition, spirituality, liturgical diversity, and Biblical heritage of the Eastern Churches; their endurance of oppressions and totalitarianisms; and their contemporary need to rediscover their voice and confidence in a new world-order Recipient of a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009 award

An Introduction to its History, Doctrine, and Spiritual Culture John Anthony McGuckin. Coniaris , A., Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life . Minneapolis: Light and Life Publishing, 1982. Constantelos, D. J., The Greek  ..."

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices

In 1,800 pages across 3 volumes, Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices provides information on current religious practices around the world with an emphasis on how religions impact the daily lives of their followers.

Icons One of the most distinctive aspects of Orthodox Christianity is the significance it gives to icons . Icons are representations of Christ , his mother ... Coniaris , Anthony M . Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life ."


Just released 224 pages, more than 400 full-color, original photographs, hard cover with striking dust jacket, 11" by 11" coffee-table book showcasing the beauty of the Greek Orthodox Churches of the Midwest! ECCLESIA, Greek Orthodox Churches of the Chicago Metropolis, by Panos Fiorentinos, takes the reader on a photographic and historic journey through all 59 churches of the Chicago Metropolis, one of the nine regions of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. This one-of-a-kind photographic chronicle captivates the reader with the unique beauty and rich tradition of these parishes, some of them established more than 100 years ago and located in cities and towns throughout Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minneapolis, Missouri and Wisconsin. In addition to showcasing these churches through stunning photography, Fiorentinos has chronicled, for the first time in one place, their individual histories. ECCLESIA educates through scholarly essays that explain the Greek Orthodox Church's architecture, fundamental beliefs and history, as well as the meaning of its icons and symbols. It also provides a historical perspective about the Greek immigrants who founded many of these churches, while paying tribute to the various ethnic groups and converts who are now part of these parishes' heritage. This book will appeal to those interested in the architecture and interior adornment of churches, the establishment and growth of religion, genealogy, immigration, and regional history, and will be a unique addition to the historical, religious and photography collections of colleges, universities and local and regional community libraries.

Greek Orthodox Churches of the Chicago Metropolis Panos Fiorentinos ... Coniaris , Rev. Anthony M . , Introducing The Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life , Light and Life Publishing Company , 1982 . Harakas , Rev."

The Icon Through Western Eyes

It is a treasure of enormous theological and historical importance , but a ruin , if taken by itself . ... Coniaris , Anthony M . , Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life . , Light and Life Publishing Co. , PO Box 26421 ..."

Truth Matters, Life Matters More

America’s Bible Answer Man contributes a treatise on the importance of absolute truth in a time of turmoil, doubt, and ambiguity. But after his own life-altering bout with cancer, longtime popular theologian and radio personality Hank Hanegraaff also affirms that theological truth is not the goal but rather a roadmap on the path to the ultimate truth of union with God. Is there more to the Christian life than what you’re currently experiencing? Leading Christian apologist Hank Hanegraaff has dedicated his life to defending truth, because truth matters. However, his life and ministry were radically transformed by this three-word phrase: life matters more. In essence, Truth Matters, Life Matters More is two books in one. Because truth matters, part 1 explicates the essentials of the Christian faith in a memorable way to equip readers to communicate Christian truth. In part 2, Hank explains why life matters more and how we can experience the height of human existence—union with God. Simply put, the map is not the territory. The menu is not the meal. We cheat ourselves of unadulterated union with Christ when we elevate the message above the Messenger. Truth Matters, Life Matters More is a modern classic and the magnum opus of one of the great theological minds of our time. Prepare to discover the unexpected beauty of an authentic Christian life.

Cf. Alciviadis C. Calivas, “The Sacramental Life of the Orthodox Church ,” Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, ... Orthodox Witness, 2010); Anthony M . Coniaris , These Are the Sacraments: The Life -Giving Mysteries of the Orthodox ..."

Witch Hunt

Cautions Christians to understand other sects before condemning as heretics those who differ in practice or interpretation, or charging those whose beliefs do fall outside Christianity with doctrines they do not hold

Coniaris , Anthony M . Introducing the Orthodox Church : Its Faith and Life . Minneapolis , MN : Light and Life Publishing Company , 1982 . Cumbey , Constance . The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow . Shreveport , LA : Huntington House ..."

Word, Water, and Spirit

"This book represents a substantial accomplishment, one that provides a useful resource for those wanting to deepen their understanding of the sacraments, particularly baptism. Reflecting a massive amount of research, against the background of an in-depth survey of various views of baptism in church history, Fesko provides an extensive exegetical and biblical-theological study of the covenantal and eschatological significance of baptism followed by systematic theological reflections on key issues like baptism as a means of grace, the efficacy of baptism, the biblical warrant for infant baptism (and against paedocommunion) and the importance of baptism for the church. One need not agree with his reflections at every point to benefit from his considerable labors." - Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary

The Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church with Proof Texts. Willow Grove, Pa.: Committee on Christian Education of the OPC, 2005. Coniaris , Anthony M . Introducing the Orthodox Church ."

The Forgotten Faith

There's more to Eastern Christianity than ethnic food bazaars, enclaves of immigrants, and clergy with beards. The mystical theology, spiritual disciplines, and rich liturgical worship of the Orthodox Church provide sustenance for anyone seeking resources for growth in the Christian life. Ancient teachings and practices persist in Eastern Christianity that hold together much of what Catholics and Protestants have separated. Believers of all stripes increasingly resonate with Orthodoxy's healthy synthesis of prayer, doctrine, liturgy, asceticism, and call to holiness in all areas of life. This ancient faith speaks with refreshing clarity to contemporary Christians who want to learn from a living tradition that is too little known in Western culture. This volume presents profound insights that will enrich, challenge, and inspire readers of all backgrounds. It invites everyone to encounter a spiritual tradition that is ancient, contemporary, and fascinatingly different.

The Mystery of Faith : An Introduction to the Teaching and Spirituality of the Orthodox Church . London: Darton, Longman ... The Life of Antony and The Letter to Marcellinus. ... Coniaris , Anthony M . Making God Real in the Orthodox Home."

Teologi dan spiritualitas

Festschrift in honor of Tom Jacobs, a Catholic Dutch priest in Indonesia.

Festschrift in honor of Tom Jacobs, a Catholic Dutch priest in Indonesia."

Greece in Print

TO OUR SUPPORTERS We would like to thank the members and supporters of the Hellenic Literature Society for their ... Introducing the Orthodox Church , Its Faith and Life by Anthony M . Coniaris 220 pages , 150x230 mm , soft cover ..."

Religion in Eastern Europe

sacrament the very life of God through the Body and Blood of His Son . ... Fifth , because theosis is attained only within the 28 Anthony M . Coniaris , Introducing the Orthodox Church ( Minneapolis , MN : Light and Life Publishing ..."


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